Young people are integral to the Conservative Party, with a rich history of supporting our aims and promises.
Now known as the Young Conservatives, the official youth section of the Conservative Party has been representing the interests of young people for over 100 years.
All Party members aged 25 and under are automatically members of the Young Conservatives.
They are organised into groups geographically as part of their local associations like the group we have in Congleton. We share the same policies and values of the national Party.
The first ever group dates back to 1906 when we were known as The Junior Imperial and Constitutional League. The objectives remain the same today as they were then: to encourage political work and involvement among the next generation. Junior Associations were set up in each constituency and throughout the UK, co-operating closely with Conservative & Unionist Associations with a shared ambition to create unity. We share the same policies and values of the national Party.
The outbreak of WW2 disrupted the lives of an entire generation of young people and the Young Conservatives- known then as the Young Britons- were no different; the youth wing disbanded in 1925. Twenty-years later in 1945 the organisation was re-formed encompassing all those aged under 30. In 1955 the Young Conservatives had attracted a following of 150,000 making it the largest youth movement in western politics. It was successful as it bought together young people with a shared vision based not only on politics but social activity too.
The Conservative Party depends on young people to bring it into the future.
Many of those involved with the Young Conservatives have gone onto lead the national party, using their experience to become future political leaders.
Do you want to get involved?
Contact Congleton's Young Conservative Chairman, Sam Worthington at [email protected] for information on activities, events and how to engage with the Conservative Party.