Dear Sir,
I’m pleased for Crewe to note that money is to be taken from the £3.6million Towns Fund grant allocation to be spent on purchasing 2 pieces of land which will facilitate the enhancement of their public realm scheme. The land is to be purchased somewhere between the railway station and the town centre creating the “Mill Street Corridor”. I realise the fact that Crewe has an available and well-maintained access along that route already doesn’t negate the need for enhancement, but what it does do is show the inequity of the division of funding between our towns and our rural villages.
Cllr Suzie Akers-Smith, Patrick Redstone and I put forward a scheme in 2020 in an attempt to access covid funding which would have seen the A34 path to Scholar Green, Church Lawton and Rode Heath become a viable safe shared space facilitating fun and fitness for our Odd Rode and Congleton residents. We were declined in favour of projects in Sandbach, Crewe and Macclesfield. If you recall, the Sandbach project was declared a disaster by the residents!
Cllr Liz Wardlaw, Odd Rode