At a demonstration in Sandbach in October 2023 the following speech was read out on behalf of Fiona Bruce by Mike Muldoon:
Message of Support from Fiona Bruce
Thank you to all of you for attending today’s demonstration.
I am unable to be with you, however, be assured your campaign has my full support.
From the outset of a suggestion a few weeks ago that car parking charges could once again rear their completely unacceptable head in Sandbach - and elsewhere in my constituency – I very clearly said, including in the House of Commons itself, ‘No! – this is wrong’.
Wrong because car parking charges penalise local people – residents who come to shop and use facilities in their own town.
Wrong because car parking charges harm small businesses - the lifeblood of our local economy.
Wrong because they stifle, instead of strengthening, community spirit as people stay away from local groups and events.
Wrong because this will only exacerbate parking on local side streets – to the considerable inconvenience of householders living nearby.
Wrong because this is not a fair way to raise funds – by penalising local people who need – not just want - to use their local facilities such as health centres or libraries.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong - for many other reasons too.
This is not the first time I have had to oppose such a plan – indeed the first was as long ago as 2010.
Together, we have fought off parking charges before, and I am confident we can do so again.
Thank you,
Fiona Bruce